*110,28 Sticky like flypaper, the frog's fork- tipped tongue rests on the floor of its mouth. >S(01),0,111 *111,28 WHAP! In the blink of an eye, it flicks out and snags an insect. >S(01),0,112 *112,28 By bringing in food, the tongue starts the digestive process. >S(01),0,113 *113,28 The digestive system then processes the food as it slowly travels from the mouth to the cloacal opening. >B(01),0,115 >E(01),0,114 *114,28 The frog uses its tongue to crush insects against its teeth, holding its prey there until it swallows. >E(01),0,115 *115,28 Digestive juices in the mouth begin to break down the food. >E(01),0,116 *116,28 Can you touch your nose with your tongue? It's hard since your tongue is attached to the back of your mouth. >S(01),0,117 *117,28 Frog tongues are attached in front. >B(00),0,0 >E(01),0,118 *118,28 Humans can't stick their tongues out very far. A frog can extend its tongue so that it's as long as its arm! >E(01),0,119 *119,28 Inside its mouth, the frog tongue folds up accordion style. >E(00),0,0 *1000